Definitely looking tired...
How Far Along: 33 weeks. My amniotic fluid has reached its maximum level and will stay constant until the end of your pregnancy. Our babies brains are growing very fast. Even though their skull bones have hardened, the skull will not be fully joined yet! The twins are and will be practicing breathing in the water!
Total Weight Gain: 179 lbs (about 47 lbs gained...OMG!)
Sleep: Sleep is getting near impossible. It's very painful to lay in bed or to rotate in my sleep, so I'm waking up about once an hour. And I'm still waking up at 2am to take my medicine.
Best Moment This Week: Now that I hit this point, the doctor will be measuring/checking my cervix manually for changes. He said that I was about 3cm dilated, but the cerclage is still holding strong. Baby A is still breached though, so we scheduled a C-Section for July 9th! Yay, I'm so glad to have this set. Dr. Paul did say, however, that he thinks I could deliver before that as he will take me off my meds about a week prior. He increased my dosage of Procardia and did my B-Strep test. He told me to get my T-Dap Vaccine, and for Jared to get this as well. Based on my pain and discomfort, he pulled me from work, so I offically started my FMLA. Looking back 2.5 years ago to where am I today, I cannot believe I'm here. Much less, the scare I had back in March, I never thought I would make this far. And to think that in a few short weeks, I'll finally be able to meet my little bundles of joy!
Movement: The boys are actively kicking and rolling around. Can see them move when I look my belly - pretty creepy!
Looking Forward To: My next appointment is Thursday...and it will be the last time that these boys get weighed!
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