Monday, June 9, 2014

31 Weeks

How Far Along:  31 weeks. The only organ left to be fully functional is the lungs. Our twins will start to shed lanugo (fine hair on the body) and instead fill in the hair and eyebrow areas.

Total Weight Gain: 174 lbs (about 40 lbs weight gained this past week)

Sleep: Sleep is getting near impossible.  Both babies move around a lot at night.  I rotate in my sleep to get comfortable, but it's been sore on my pelvis to do so, so I'm never really getting a "good" sleep. Plus, when I sleep on my side I can feel the babies -- which makes it uncomfortable. And I'm still waking up at 2am to take my medicine.

Best Moment This Week:  This week my cervical length increased to 25!  Very excited to hear this, however, Baby A is still breached.  It's very unlikely that he'll flip, but I can keep hoping :-).  I was reminded that by week 33, he'll take me off the Indocin, as it can do more harm than good after that point.  I'll also be given a steroid shot to boost the babies lungs development.  He will admit to the hospital for this, since both things will cause me to have more contractions and he wants to make sure I don't go into labor.

Movement: The boys are actively kicking and rolling around. Can see them move when I look my belly - pretty creepy!

Looking Forward To: My next appointment is Thursday...and he may admit me at that point.  Things are really picking up!  Can't believe I only have about 5 weeks to go!

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