Monday, March 24, 2014

20 Weeks


How Far Along:  20 weeks. 
Our babies’ hearing is getting better and they can actually start to react to loud noises. They are also getting used to the tone of my voice.  At this stage babies’ oil glands are starting to form and they are capable of moving their legs now.

Total Weight Gain: 151 lbs (so about 18lbs gained)

Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants.  Some of my regular tops still cover my belly, but mostly wear maternity tops now as well.

Sleep:  Still waking up at 2am to take my medicine.

Best Moment This Week:  Our multiples class this week was pretty interesting.  We did a tour of the hospital, which Jared and I had done previously, but this time we were able to spend a lot of time in the NICU and ask any questions we had.  We also discussed labor and delivery and watched a twin birthing video that showed both a C-section delivery and a vaginal birth.

During my weekly doctor's appointment, my cervix measured 35mm!!!  I was shocked!  He said that the medication and the restrictions are definitely working and he wants to keep me on the same limitations.  I'm so glad to be above the normal level (30mm). 

We also hired a nanny!!  Her name is Chelsea and she starts 8 weeks after the boys arrive.  She has daycare experience, so she'll be great with lesson plans for the kiddos.
Movement:  Can feel 'flutters' in my belly and very subtle kicks.  

Looking Forward To:  We have our third Multiples Class on Tuesday and then my weekly appointment with Dr. Paul on Friday. 

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