Sunday, March 16, 2014

19 Weeks


How Far Along: 19 weeks.  Vernix, the protective creamy white substance, begins to from around our babies’ bodies.  As they swallow amniotic fluid, their kidneys start to produce urine.  Their permanent teeth buds are forming at this time as well.

Total Weight Gain: 149 lbs (so about 16lbs gained)

Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants.  Some of my regular tops still cover my belly, but mostly wear maternity tops now as well.

Sleep:  Still waking up at 2am to take my medicine.

Best Moment This Week: We started our Multiples class at the hospital on Tuesday.  It's a 5 week class that covers childbirth, breastfeeding and infant care. This first session was pretty basic -- mainly talking about morning sickness and the tests taken during pregnancy.  They did talk, however, about contractions and what to do when experiencing them.  Next week, we move on to childbirth - so I'm sure that will be interesting!  There are two other couples in the class with us -- both did IVF, so it's great to be with others who have been on the same journey.

I also had my follow-up appointment with Dr. Paul on Thursday.  My cervical length was 28mm!!  He was extremely happy to see that, as was I, even though it's still below what is considered normal for this time. He said that he's keeping me on the same restrictions as before though and wants to see me weekly at least through April. 
Movement:  Still slight 'flutters' in my belly but no kicks.  

Looking Forward To:  We have our second Multiples Class on Tuesday and then an appointment with Dr. Paul on Thursday.  These next few weeks are going to be hectic!  I also have a friend's baby shower to go next weekend. And we are interviewing two nannies as well.  Busy busy!   

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