Monday, March 31, 2014

21 Weeks

How Far Along: 21 weeks.  Our babies’ arms and legs are becoming more proportionate to their body, and their skin is getting less and less transparent.  Their white blood cells are developing as well.

Total Weight Gain: 151 lbs (so about 18lbs gained).  I didn't gain any weight from last week, so the doctor wasn't pleased.  But I've been eating alot, so I'm not sure why my weight didn't change.

Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants. Some of my regular tops still cover my belly, but mostly wear maternity tops now as well.

Sleep: Still waking up at 2am to take my medicine.
Best Worst Moment This Week: Again, I had a disappointing appointment with Dr. Paul.  Baby A is apparently funneling right up against the cerclage and my cervical length went from 35mm last week to 25mm this week.  Dr. Paul increased my dosage on my Indocin and gave me a handicap placard.  He stressed minimal walking and rest as much as possible.  I'm really surprised he didn't put me on bed rest, but he's probably trying to hold out as long as possible. 
During our Multiples class this week, we learned about the stages of labor, as well as the pros and cons to having the epidural.  We are definitely doing the epidural because if we have to have an emergency C-Section and if we chose not to do the epidural, the only option would be to put me under anthesthia.  Seems like a no-brainer to me.  
Movement:  I can finally feel some kicks! I grabbed Jared's hand so he could feel them as well.
Looking Forward To: We have our fourth Multiples Class on Tuesday and then my weekly appointment with Dr. Paul on Thursday.  I'm hoping for better news this week... 

Monday, March 24, 2014

20 Weeks


How Far Along:  20 weeks. 
Our babies’ hearing is getting better and they can actually start to react to loud noises. They are also getting used to the tone of my voice.  At this stage babies’ oil glands are starting to form and they are capable of moving their legs now.

Total Weight Gain: 151 lbs (so about 18lbs gained)

Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants.  Some of my regular tops still cover my belly, but mostly wear maternity tops now as well.

Sleep:  Still waking up at 2am to take my medicine.

Best Moment This Week:  Our multiples class this week was pretty interesting.  We did a tour of the hospital, which Jared and I had done previously, but this time we were able to spend a lot of time in the NICU and ask any questions we had.  We also discussed labor and delivery and watched a twin birthing video that showed both a C-section delivery and a vaginal birth.

During my weekly doctor's appointment, my cervix measured 35mm!!!  I was shocked!  He said that the medication and the restrictions are definitely working and he wants to keep me on the same limitations.  I'm so glad to be above the normal level (30mm). 

We also hired a nanny!!  Her name is Chelsea and she starts 8 weeks after the boys arrive.  She has daycare experience, so she'll be great with lesson plans for the kiddos.
Movement:  Can feel 'flutters' in my belly and very subtle kicks.  

Looking Forward To:  We have our third Multiples Class on Tuesday and then my weekly appointment with Dr. Paul on Friday. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

19 Weeks


How Far Along: 19 weeks.  Vernix, the protective creamy white substance, begins to from around our babies’ bodies.  As they swallow amniotic fluid, their kidneys start to produce urine.  Their permanent teeth buds are forming at this time as well.

Total Weight Gain: 149 lbs (so about 16lbs gained)

Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants.  Some of my regular tops still cover my belly, but mostly wear maternity tops now as well.

Sleep:  Still waking up at 2am to take my medicine.

Best Moment This Week: We started our Multiples class at the hospital on Tuesday.  It's a 5 week class that covers childbirth, breastfeeding and infant care. This first session was pretty basic -- mainly talking about morning sickness and the tests taken during pregnancy.  They did talk, however, about contractions and what to do when experiencing them.  Next week, we move on to childbirth - so I'm sure that will be interesting!  There are two other couples in the class with us -- both did IVF, so it's great to be with others who have been on the same journey.

I also had my follow-up appointment with Dr. Paul on Thursday.  My cervical length was 28mm!!  He was extremely happy to see that, as was I, even though it's still below what is considered normal for this time. He said that he's keeping me on the same restrictions as before though and wants to see me weekly at least through April. 
Movement:  Still slight 'flutters' in my belly but no kicks.  

Looking Forward To:  We have our second Multiples Class on Tuesday and then an appointment with Dr. Paul on Thursday.  These next few weeks are going to be hectic!  I also have a friend's baby shower to go next weekend. And we are interviewing two nannies as well.  Busy busy!   

Sunday, March 9, 2014

18 Weeks - Cerclage Surgery

How Far Along: 18 weeks.  Our babies’ vocal cords are formed and their heart features are fully detectable.  Their lungs have already begun exhaling amniotic fluid.

Total Weight Gain: 145 lbs (so about 11lbs gained)

Maternity Clothes: Pretty much all maternity pants.  Some of my regular tops still cover my belly, but mostly wear maternity tops now as well.

Sleep:  I've been put on Indocin to help control contractions, so I'm up at 2am to take my medicine.

Best Worst Moment This Week: Tuesday, I had my appointment to do the full anatomy scan on my babies.  That part went extremely well. They are both ahead of schedule at 10oz each.  What wasn't so great was my cervical length - it went from 32mm two weeks ago (which is about 2mm above normal) to 17mm - which is what it should be when I'm around 34-36 weeks pregnant.  Not only was it significantly short, Baby A had begun funneling.  I was devastated.  It's too early for them to be born yet!  Apparently, I've been having contractions that was causing this and didn't even realize it. 

Dr. Paul immediately put me on Indocin to control the contractions and told me I need to have cerclage surgery done to close up my cervix.  He put me on bedrest for Wednesday and then was to be admitted to the hospital Thursday morning at 11am.  Surgery was scheduled for 6pm Thursday evening. He said that I would probably be released Sunday evening and he wasn't sure of what restrictions I would have.  He warned me that bedrest is usually what follows cerclage surgery.  OMG!  Bedrest for 20 weeks!!  This was all so overwhelming to me.  What I thought was going to be a good day and a good appointment turned out to be one of the worst!  Jared was just as devastated.  We worked so hard to get here and we couldn't lose my babies now.  Tuesday turned out to be such an emotional day and phone calls were made to both parents and my boss to let them know the possible risks and outcomes of this procedure.

Surgery went on as planned at 6pm on Thursday.  It took about 20 minutes and was a success!  Dr. Paul was able to stitch up my cervix without puncturing Baby A's sac or harming the babies in any way.  He was such a life saver!  And to think that if I stayed with Dr. Reining, who wouldn't even look at cervical length until 24 weeks, I know we'd be in a different situation.  Dr. Paul did an ultrasound late Thursday evening and Friday morning to check up on my little ones.  They were as playful as ever!  Saturday morning, he came by again to check up on them and told me that I was able to go home!  My restrictions are limited walking and driving.  No lifting and no sex (Sorry Jared!).  He also wants to see me weekly for the next few weeks to make sure I'm healing okay and will adjust the restrictions accordingly.  He said bedrest, however, is inevitable - it's just a matter of when. 
Movement:  Starting to feel slight 'flutters' in my belly but no kicks.  

Looking Forward To:  I have to call Dr. Paul on Monday to set up an appointment for Friday.  Hopefully things looks good and I can continue to have a relatively easy pregnancy.  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

17 Weeks

How Far Along:  17 weeks. Our babies are capable of swallowing, blinking and sucking.  Their ears start to pop out and their necks are getting longer. Their eyes are still shut at this time. 

Total Weight Gain:  142 this morning!  Trying to get to the 20lb weight gain by week 24.

Maternity Clothes:  I was going to go shopping for more maternity clothes this weekend, but it decided to snow/sleet so that didn't happen.
Sleep:  Sleeping through the night, but starting to get uncomfortable in certain positions.
Best Moment This Week: We started our registry this week -- definitely gave us a perspective of how much this baby stuff actually costs.  And to need almost double of everything is getting overwhelming.  Had a breakdown at Buy Buy Baby when we were looking at nursery items...not only the cost, but space all of this furniture will take up!
Movement:  None yet...but I'm so anxious to feel my boys! 
Looking Forward To:  My next appointment is on Tuesday with Dr. Paul.  It's the full anatomy scan.  I can't wait to see my boys again and see how big there are!