Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 3 After Retrieval

Today was another FANTASTIC day!  Remember back on Sunday, when Dr. Wilshire said they were able to retrieve 11 total eggs?  And then on Monday, they informed me that only 9 fertilized?  Well, today we got news that we have 9 perfect embryos!!  I was shocked and confused that we went went from six to nine!?  The nurse said they kept the eggs that didn't fertilize to see what would happen and then ended up getting fertilized!  She also said that she misspoke when she told me that three had arrested to develop yesterday -- they were just completely undeveloped at that point. So it sounds like of the 11 eggs retrieved, only two have arrested to develop.

So at 72 hours, the embryos should have 8 cells.  Here are today's results:

4 embryos have 8 cells and are Grade 1
1 embryo has 10 cells and is Grade 1
2 embryo have 6 cells and are Grade 1
1 embryo has 4 cells and is Grade 1
1 embryo has 2 cells and is Grade 1

I couldn't be happier!  What a great looking team!  Yes, we got some slower ones, but they are developing beautifully!  The embryos will be left alone the rest of today and tomorrow. 

My transfer is scheduled for noon on Friday.  I have to arrive at 11:30 with a full bladder and they will give me valium at this time as well.  Additionally, they will give me the final stats of the remaining embryos and they will choose the top two to be transfered back into my uterus.  The others will be frozen for a future transfer.  I will stay laying down at the office for two hours before they release me.  I plan on bringing a book and some cards to entertain ourselves.  Too bad, we don't have a tablet....hmm, I should put that on my Christmas list!  Then I get to spend the rest of my birthday and the following 48 hours on bedrest.  Not sure what that all entails at this point -- can I shower, can I lay on the couch?  I am just simply thrilled right now at how well things are going.  And the support!!  It has been tremendous!  Just being able to share these little details with you really keep my spirits up.  Hopefully soon we'll all get to meet Baby Williams!      

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