Monday, May 26, 2014

29 Weeks

PICTURE TO BE ADDED LATER -- Sorry, been lazy with the pictures :-)
How Far Along: 29 weeks. Our babies’ brains are in full control of breathing and body temperature by now. They are about 15-16 inches long from head to toe and weight about 2.5 lbs -- we'll get their true weights next week!  Our baby twins digestive system should be fully functional.  As space is becoming sacred, our twins’ movements will begin to slow down. 

Total Weight Gain: 171 lbs (almost 40 lbs gained...yikes!).

Sleep: I rotate alot in my sleep to get comfortable, but it's been sore to do so, so I'm never really getting a "good" sleep. Plus, when I sleep on my side I can feel the babies -- which makes it uncomfortable. And I'm still waking up at 2am to take my medicine.

Best Moment This Week:  During my doctor's appointment on Thursday, my cervical length measured 27!!!   OMG!  I was so happy to hear this!  My fundal height was 41cm -- I'm getting huge!!!    Baby A is still breeched, so hopefully he'll turn around soon.  About 6-8 weeks left to go!!! Since everything checked out okay, I was able to go home -- so no hospital bed rest for this girl!!

Movement: The boys are actively kicking and rolling around.  Can see them move when I look my belly - pretty creepy!
Looking Forward To: My next appointment is Thursday-- let's hope for good weights!  They should be about 3.5lbs each -- wow!  7 pounds of baby!


  1. Hooray for your successful 29 weeks! It's hard to deal with sleeping problems, especially if your twins keep on moving and rolling inside your tummy. You still have a long way to go, Sarah. I'm just wondering if you've been maintaining an exercise routine these past days, even if it's just stretching and a bit of walking. Good luck on your next appointment!

    Laverne Bodnar @ US HealthWorks

    1. Hi Laverne! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, after everything we've been through, we are so relieved to make it this far. Just gotta go a few more weeks now! Unfortunately, with my doctor's restrictions of minimal walking and standing, working out really hasn't been an option. It's been hard because before my pregnancy, i would work out 3-4 times a week and now i haven't been able to do anything besides watch the weight increase. But I know it's good for the boys so i'll return to working out once they are born. Have a good week!
