Thursday, January 23, 2014

12 Weeks

How Far Along:  12 weeks.
The average fetus at 12 weeks is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces. Now that they have pretty much all their parts, their main job is to keep on growing. Some major developments:  most of their critical systems are fully formed;  they are about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which their organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly;  they are now developing reflexes;  they are opening and closing their fingers and curling their toes and their brain is developing fast!

Total Weight Gain:  Still sitting at 134.

Maternity Clothes:  Still haven't needed them yet, but we are going to Motherhood Maternity this weekend so I can get a few things
Sleep:  Same story as last week. 
Best Moment This Week:  I met with Dr. Grant, a Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor in Columbia that Dr. Wilshire referred me to.  He was such a fantastic doctor.  During the visit, I was able to watch my babies while he performed a Nuchal Translucency and Nasal Bone Scan.  Baby B was moving like crazy!!  At one point, we actually had to stop and he had me drink some water and cough to see if I could get him/her to settle down and get positioned correctly.  The good news is that both babies had a visible nasal bone and the fold in the back of their necks was thin, meaning the likelihood of having Down Syndrome or another chromosomal abnormality is slim -- about 1/1142.  Below are some pictures from the appointment.

This doctor, like almost everyone I've talked to, said I should be seen by a high risk OBGYN and should be having appointments every 2 weeks to look at my cervical length. I called Dr. Reining (the OB I met with last week) and explained what Dr. Grant recommended.  She said it wasn't necessary and that she would do that if I really wanted to but it most likely wouldn't be covered by insurance.  I wasn't pleased with her response, especially since she has been the only one to not realize that I need more appointments than monthly.  Not only that, she only had me scheduled for 2 ultrasounds -- one at 20 weeks and one at 28 weeks.  Definitely not enough!  So I found a MFM doctor who I will meet with on 2/18.  Geesh!  Never thought this would be the most stressful part of the pregnancy.

Since we made it out of the first trimester, we made our pregnancy official and announced it!!  It was so nice to be able to share this wonderful news with all our family and friends!  Here was the announcement:
Movement:  None that I can feel, but they are clearly bouncing around like crazy in my uterus!
Food Cravings:  Nothing this week.
Things Making Me Queasy or Sick:  Found something this week -- Pirrone's Supreme Pizza.  Had this before with no issues, but when we had it on Monday, I had an upset stomach for about 24 hours.  I guess the babies didn't like it.
Looking Forward To:  I have to wait about 3 weeks now before I can see my babies again. 

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