Thursday, January 30, 2014

13 Weeks

How Far Along:  13 weeks.
Fetal size: Length, almost 3 inches, crown to rump. Weight, almost 1 ounce.
Fetal development milestones: Kidney and urinary tracts are now functioning. Our babies can suck on their thumbs. Genitalia are developing too.

Total Weight Gain:  Still sitting at 134.

Maternity Clothes:  Getting close to needing some, as I can't fit into two of my suits now.  I went to Motherhood Maternity this past weekend and bought a couple shirts and some slacks.    
Sleep:  Sleeping through the night, but still constantly tired. 
Best Moment This Week: It's been great to be able to share this news with family and friends.  Not only that, it's nice to be able to talk about my pregnancy and journey through IVF with co-workers and those that are interested.  Not sure yet if I'm going to post my blog on Facebook, but at the same time, I may be able to help others who are struggling with infertility.
Movement:  None that I can feel.
Food Cravings:  Nothing this week.
Things Making Me Queasy or Sick:  Nothing
Looking Forward To:  Getting anxious to see my babies again.  I hate having to wait so long between appointments.   

Thursday, January 23, 2014

12 Weeks

How Far Along:  12 weeks.
The average fetus at 12 weeks is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces. Now that they have pretty much all their parts, their main job is to keep on growing. Some major developments:  most of their critical systems are fully formed;  they are about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which their organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly;  they are now developing reflexes;  they are opening and closing their fingers and curling their toes and their brain is developing fast!

Total Weight Gain:  Still sitting at 134.

Maternity Clothes:  Still haven't needed them yet, but we are going to Motherhood Maternity this weekend so I can get a few things
Sleep:  Same story as last week. 
Best Moment This Week:  I met with Dr. Grant, a Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor in Columbia that Dr. Wilshire referred me to.  He was such a fantastic doctor.  During the visit, I was able to watch my babies while he performed a Nuchal Translucency and Nasal Bone Scan.  Baby B was moving like crazy!!  At one point, we actually had to stop and he had me drink some water and cough to see if I could get him/her to settle down and get positioned correctly.  The good news is that both babies had a visible nasal bone and the fold in the back of their necks was thin, meaning the likelihood of having Down Syndrome or another chromosomal abnormality is slim -- about 1/1142.  Below are some pictures from the appointment.

This doctor, like almost everyone I've talked to, said I should be seen by a high risk OBGYN and should be having appointments every 2 weeks to look at my cervical length. I called Dr. Reining (the OB I met with last week) and explained what Dr. Grant recommended.  She said it wasn't necessary and that she would do that if I really wanted to but it most likely wouldn't be covered by insurance.  I wasn't pleased with her response, especially since she has been the only one to not realize that I need more appointments than monthly.  Not only that, she only had me scheduled for 2 ultrasounds -- one at 20 weeks and one at 28 weeks.  Definitely not enough!  So I found a MFM doctor who I will meet with on 2/18.  Geesh!  Never thought this would be the most stressful part of the pregnancy.

Since we made it out of the first trimester, we made our pregnancy official and announced it!!  It was so nice to be able to share this wonderful news with all our family and friends!  Here was the announcement:
Movement:  None that I can feel, but they are clearly bouncing around like crazy in my uterus!
Food Cravings:  Nothing this week.
Things Making Me Queasy or Sick:  Found something this week -- Pirrone's Supreme Pizza.  Had this before with no issues, but when we had it on Monday, I had an upset stomach for about 24 hours.  I guess the babies didn't like it.
Looking Forward To:  I have to wait about 3 weeks now before I can see my babies again. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

11 Weeks


How Far Along:  11 weeks.
Our babies are 1.5 inches long from crown to heel. They have vocal cords by now and are capable of making some noise.  Their pancreases and kidneys are fully functional by now as well.

Total Weight Gain:  Still sitting at 134.  My doctor said I need to start eating more.  She said that I should be prepared to gain about 40 lbs (which was what I had read as well). 
Maternity Clothes:  Still haven't needed them yet. 
Sleep:  Same story as last week.  These dreams I have are getting crazier and crazier though. 
Best Moment This Week:  I met with my new OBGYN this week, Dr. Reining.  She was extremely kind and patient.  Not once did I feel rushed during my visit and she allowed me to ask all the questions I had (which were many!).  She listened to my babies heartbeat - one was 160 and the other was 163.  She also did a lot of blood work -- I think this part wasn't necessary, however, as Dr. Wilshire did a lot of the prenatal blood work prior to IVF.
My next appointment with her will be in 4 weeks.
Movement:  None
Food Cravings:  Nothing this week.
Things Making Me Queasy or Sick:  Nothing
Looking Forward To:  Next week I meet with another OBGYN in Columbia, Dr. Grant.  He was referred to me by Dr. Wilshire.  He also was the only one that knew what I was talking about when I said I needed a '12 week scan'.  Basically, during this appointment, he'll do a nuchal translucency and nasal bone scan, which checks for chromosomal abnormalities, including down syndrome.  Based on these results, he'll determine if further testing is needed.  I wish this doctor was in St. Louis -- from the very first time I contacted his office, the staff has been so helpful.  In fact, they called me today to discuss what would happen during my appointment and allowed me to ask any questions that I had right now.  The customer service and attention they give is amazing!  

Sunday, January 12, 2014

10 Weeks

How Far Along:  10 weeks.
Our babies are the size of a prune - about 1.2 inches long and weigh about .14 ounces. They have working arm joints, and cartilage and bones are forming. Vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function.  Their fingernails and hair are starting to appear and they are swallowing and kicking - although I can't feel that yet.
Total Weight Gain:  Still sitting at 134.
Maternity Clothes:  Still haven't needed them yet.  Although, the belly is definitely apparent in some clothes. Someone already asked me if my belly was due to the holidays or if I was pregnant.  LOL!
Sleep:  Still tired all the time - wished I had more energy.  And I'm still waking up frequently in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. 
Best Moment This Week:  Jared and I had our hospital visit this past week at Missouri Baptist.  It was very informative and it was nice to see the labor and delivery area to get a better idea of what to expect.  They have limitless options in regards to the birth plan too - ball births, water births, natural births, epidurals, music on or off, movies on of off...

Movement:  None
Food Cravings:  Nothing this week.
Things Making Me Queasy or Sick:  Nothing
Looking Forward To:  I finally meet with my new OBGYN this week.  She works inside of MOBap, so I'm really hoping I like her.  She's not a high-risk doctor, but there is one who works at their office if I would need that.  

Thursday, January 2, 2014

9 Weeks


How Far Along:  9 weeks.
Our babies are nearly an inch long, about the size of a grape or olive, and weigh just a fraction of an ounce. Essential body parts are accounted for.  Other changes included: the baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do their tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. The organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Their eyes are fully formed, but their eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. They have tiny earlobes, and their mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones.

Total Weight Gain:  I was 134lbs at my previous doctor's appointment on Monday, so still at my starting weight.
Maternity Clothes:  Not yet, but pants are getting tighter.  I'm having to increase the notches on my belt.
Sleep:  Definitely still tired all the time.  And I still find myself waking up frequently in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. 
Best Moment This Week:  Monday was definitely one of the best moments.  It was our last appointment at the fertility clinic, but we were able to see our babies again.  The nurse didn't do a good job at taking their photos, so the top picture isn't the best.  But the bottom picture of one our babies is fantastic!  He/She was moving like crazy trying to figure out what the heck to do with his limbs!

New Year's Eve was another special moment - at least the evening was.  The day was spent with our dog at the Animal Hospital. She had eaten part of a hardcover book, as well as a gift card, on Christmas and hadn't been able to keep food down since. After many tests over the past few days, surgery was the only option.  The doctors were able to remove three different obstructions found in her stomach and intestines.  She is now back home and recovering with us.  For our New Year's Eve celebration, we spent it with some of my husband's closest friends.  It was nice to spend time with them and just relax rather than the usual craziness that New Year's Eve brings.  We reflected on the challenges we faced this past year and all the excitement we have to look forward to in 2014! 

 Movement:  None
Food Cravings:  Nothing this week.  I think we've been too busy to think about any cravings.
Things Making Me Queasy or Sick:  Nothing
Looking Forward To:  Next Tuesday, we take a tour of Missouri Baptist Hospital.  We are super excited to see the delivery area and learn about the facility.