Saturday, February 22, 2014

16 Weeks - We're having Boys!!!!

How Far Along:  16 weeks. Our babies' arms and legs are getting longer and longer and fingernails are formed.  Fat begins to form underneath babies’ skins.  Their fingerprints are formed by now as well. 

Total Weight Gain:  I was 139 again at the doctor's office this week, so total weight gain of 5 lbs.  My new doctor, Dr. Paul, told me that I need to eat more (about 1000 extra calories a day!) and that he wants to me to be at +20 lbs. by week 24. I think I already eat a lot, but apparently it's not enough!

Maternity Clothes:  Wearing maternity pants almost daily and have also been using the BellaBand with my jeans. I love my maternity tops as well! Surprisingly, however, my skinny jeans still fit (as pictured above).  I think it's because they are low waist.

Sleep:  Sleeping through the night, but do get up sometimes to use the bathroom.
Best Moment This Week: Wow!  What a great week!  I met with my new Maternal Fetal Doctor, Dr. Paul, and am so happy with this move.  The appointment lasted about 4 hours, but he was so knowledgeable and gave us so much information.  For one, as mentioned above, I have to increase my food intake to gain more weight.  He also wants to me to drink more water.  He put me on a Folic Acid supplement, as well as progesterone to help my cervix stay strong.  My cervical length was 32, which is above normal (30) but it's considered short by his standards, so he wants to watch this closely.  But the best news of the appointment was that we found out that we are having two BOYS!!  We couldn't be happier!  We aren't revealing names until they are born though. They are ahead of schedule and at the 90th percentile at 7oz each!!!  Most singletons are about 3.5 oz at this time!!  They are doing fantastic!!

The other exciting part of the week, was that I had my first Mother of Twins Club (MOTC) meeting.  I met so many great moms and Moms-to-Be of twins and they gave me a lot of helpful information.  Can't wait till next month's meeting!
Movement:  None that I can feel, but Dr. Paul said I should start feeling movement soon.  Especially from Baby A, since his placenta is on the backside. 
Food Cravings:  Nothing this week.
Things Making Me Queasy or Sick:  Nothing
Looking Forward To:  This week I'm going to start working our registry.  We have a lot of things to consider and look into, so it should be fun! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

15 Weeks

How Far Along:  15 weeks. Our babies are more active now and may even be sucking their thumbs.  Their eyebrows are starting to grow as well as the hair on their heads.  Our babies now measure about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces, about the size of an apple. They are moving amniotic fluid through their nose and upper respiratory tract. Legs are growing longer than their arms now, and they can move all of their joints and limbs.

Total Weight Gain:  I was 139 at the doctor's office this week, so total weight gain of 5 lbs.

Maternity Clothes:  The babies definitely did some growing over the past few days.  Only two of my work slacks fit now, so I have officially moved on to my maternity pants.
Sleep:  Sleeping through the night, but do get up sometimes to use the bathroom.
Best Moment This Week: I had my last appointment with Dr. Reining this past Monday.  She actually wasn't available, so I saw the nurse practitioner instead.  The nurse didn't have experience with twins, so lucky for me, she had to use the ultrasound to detect the babies' heartbeats.  They were moving like crazy and I was so happy to be able to see them.  Baby A was at 136 and Baby B was 150-something. 
Movement:  None that I can feel, but getting anxious to feel them!
Food Cravings:  Nothing this week.
Things Making Me Queasy or Sick:  Nothing
Looking Forward To:  Next week, I meet with the MFM Doctor, Dr. Paul.  I'm super excited to be in the care of someone who knows what they're doing.  And even more excited to hopefully find out the babies' gender. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

14 weeks


How Far Along:  14 weeks. Our babies’ necks are getting longer and their ears are on the side of their heads. They are between 3.2 – 4.1 inches long and their bones are getting stronger.  For twin baby boys the prostate glands are developing and for twin baby girls ovaries are moving to the pelvis.

Total Weight Gain:  Still sitting at 134.

Maternity Clothes:  Trying to avoid switching to maternity clothes until I absolutely have to.  I think I have about one more week left though.
Sleep:  Sleeping through the night, but still constantly tired. 
Best Moment This Week: Nothing really spectacular happened this week.  In fact, it was pretty low key. 
Movement:  None that I can feel.
Food Cravings:  Nothing this week.
Things Making Me Queasy or Sick:  Nothing
Looking Forward To:  Next week I have an appointment with Dr. Reining.  It will be my second appointment with her, and my last.  In fact, I'm not really looking forward to it - she's not doing an ultrasound, just going to listen to our babies' heartbeat.  Seems like a waste of time to me.  But I'm going to the Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor in two weeks, and he (Dr. Paul) told me to keep this last appointment as he doesn't want me to wait another week before a checkup.  At least at his visit, he'll do an ultrasound and hopefully (**fingers crossed**) he'll be able to determine the babies' genders!